The BBZ on the Kiel Canal works with a variety of funding systems in the area of European partnerships. Projects are carried out here as part of the Erasmus+ school partnership programme, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the German-Polish Youth Office. The projects usually run for a period of several years on a specially requested topic. Currently, one of the main topics of our partnership projects is sustainability in various areas such as fishing, tourism, energy generation, etc. You can find out more information by looking at the individual projects.
Current Projects
EU Partnership Project
Every year, 8-10 students in the pre-vocational years of the BBZ on the Kiel Canal meet with the same number of students studying motor mechanics from Bydgoscz in Poland.
EU Partnership Project
In order to guarantee sustainable fishing internationally, the issue of sustainability must feature prominently in the training of fishermen.
Erasmus+ school partnerships
The Erasmus+ school partnerships are partnerships in which the students of the partner schools work together on a topic justified in the application. The focus of these projects is on meetings between students and their teachers. In addition to elaborating on previously-defined items such as guidelines, project work is devoted to topics such as democratic education or the imparting of intercultural skills and tolerance in schools. The BBZ on the Kiel Canal has been carrying out projects on a variety of themes with international partners since 2008. Further information can be found at: